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Re: Any tentative guidelines?

From: Richard M.Merson, PhD
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Time: 08:36:45 -0500
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This is a crucial question. I have been collecting a lot of clinical outcome data and patient demographics to begin to capture some of the variables that predict good potential DAF users. The immediate positive auditory response to DAF (30-45 minutes) is an important initial variable . But it does not predict, I believe, all of the necessary requirements to use DAF in all speech situations. If the individual does not have a good initial response (at least 50% stuttering reduction) I am less inclined to be positive about DAF's long term use. But I have been fooled. Some individuals with very mild stuttering who exhibit just a noticable response choose to wear the DAF. There are a number of factors that I am considering important to the potential benefits of DAF and its long term use. (1) auditoriness (receptivity to DAF), (2) willingness to tolerate speech prosodic changes, (3) ability to allow some stuttering , (4) psychosocial maturity (5) previous speech pathology treatment,(6) willingness to wear and care for prosthetic device (7) good verbal communicator[not taciturn] (8) ability to resist total dependence on the DAF device, (9) at least 15 or older (10) no significant hearing loss...I don't know which of these carries the most weight .75% of 200 persons tested exhibited 50-100% reductions in their stuttering, but only 41% chose to purchase the device. 15% of those who chose to purchase the device had 25% or less stuttering reductions. There 's a lot to think about here.....!

Last changed: 12/12/05