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From: Patti Bohlman
Date: 10/2/03
Time: 1:07:47 PM
Remote Name:
I have been intriqued with the concept of sensitivity since I purchased Elaine Aron's book-The Highly Sensitive Person. It has helped me to adjust my life so I am not so overwhelmed (ok-sometimes) But when I am-I know that it is my body and realize that I am not weak or lazy-I just have a lower threshold for stress. I have told many people about the book-all non-stutterers. One of my friends who is seventy-two read it and realized that she wasn't weird. She believed she was weird all her life. Many sensitive people feel this way.
I think this area needs to be researched more. As an slp, I also am trying to teach my kids who are sensitive (not all of them stutter) how to cope with their need to be alone, their need for a quieter classroom etc. Enough for now.