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From: Y. Rieder
Date: 10/2/03
Time: 10:20:26 PM
Remote Name:
I have this issue with my 3 1/2-year-old daughter who has been stuttering for about nine months. She began really speaking after age two, and recently developed dysfluencies that come and go. When they occur, they may be in the form of hesitations, prolongations, repetitions, or blocks. Of concern to me is when she begins tapping her foot or moving her toes, as if to get the words out. This accessory behavior seems to indicate that she realizes that she has this difficulty. As a master's student in a speech-language pathology program, I was concerned as to this question "to treat or not to treat." I appreciated your bringing the evidence, as well as you admitting that there are no easy answers or hard and fast rules. I think I'll wait a bit longer (but not till after 65!)