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From: Ann Packman
Date: 10/11/03
Time: 3:33:04 PM
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I will preface my answer by saying that you can find descriptions of the two treatments you mention, written by their developers, in a book titled “A Handbook of Early Stuttering Intervention”. The book contains descriptions of a number of other treatments for early stuttering as well. Briefly, the main difference between the two treatments is that Multiprocess treatment tends to be indirect, while the Lidcombe program is direct. In the Multiprocess approach, changes are made to the child’s environment with the intention of reducing demands on the child. For example, parents may be instructed to ask fewer questions, or to slow their speech rate. Changes to the child’s speech production may be advocated in some cases. I urge you to go to original sources for further descriptions of this treatment. In the Lidcombe Program, parents learn under the direction of the SLP to provide verbal contingencies for fluent speech and for stuttering in the child’s everyday environment. In the Lidcombe Program parents are not required to make changes to their communicative style or to other aspects of the environment, other than those required to implement the teatment.
Reference Onslow, M., & Packman, A. (Eds.) (1999). A Handbook of Early Stuttering Intervention. San Diego, CA: Singular.