Schwartz's Stuttering Police

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Stuttering Police

From: Carrie Oetting
Date: 10/13/03
Time: 11:24:51 PM
Remote Name:


I am a second year graduate student currently enrolled in a Fluency class. I found your assignment to be very interesting. During our next class period I will definately bring up this project. Not only do you get the chance to experience how it feels to be dysfluent, you can also inform others. I am sure that many of your students will use the handouts that they created in your class in the future. I also found it interesting how many of your students stated how nervous or how much harder the assignment was to complete than they thought it would be. We attended a Stuttering Support Group this evening and one of the professors attending the meeting stated that he also required this type of assignment in class. I hope that my current professor will consider this in the future. In order to be successful clinicians we need to be able to relate to our clients. What an interesting project.

Last changed: September 12, 2005