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From: Lynne Shields
Date: 10/22/03
Time: 10:32:17 AM
Remote Name:
Thanks for your article. I, too, have my students (some of whom read your article as part of their ISAD assignment) do a pseudostuttering activity, though they aren't asked to educate their listeners afterward. This semester, one of the students decided to do this anyway, and reported to the class about it. She said that she was so upset when she received a negative reaction during one of her interactions in the phone call portion of the assignment that she called right back, still stuttering, and asked to speak to the manager. She then talked with him, as a stutterer, indicating how she had felt during the previous call. The manager apologized and said that he would talk with the employee.
The student reported feeling good about standing up for her 'stuttering self', though she hoped she didn't get the employee in trouble.
The educational component of your assignment bears considering for the future. Thanks for sharing it at this conference.