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From: Sandra Gil
Date: 10/15/03
Time: 8:17:20 AM
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Frannie Thanks for your interest. I think as soon parents find out there child is at risk of developing stuttering they should educate themselves on stuttering. It took me one year to start with this because here in my city the professionals I contacted really didn't have a clue on stuttering. I feel I lost precious time because during a whole year we were doing things that didnt help, without knowing, like letting other kids interrupt him or speaking very fast. I truly believe that early intervention is crucial specially when it comes to educating parents, there is so much we can do to help and there is wonderful resource material available in the USA. The best way us parents can get involved in therapy is TRULY cooperating with the SLP and regardless the kind of treatment he is implementing I think using fluency enhancing skills at home really helps to promote a more relaxed comunication style that's beneficial to all children even if they dont stutter.