My Personal Experience with Stuttering and Meditation

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Re: Om as postponer?

From: Ellen-Marie Silverman
Date: 10/4/03
Time: 12:04:50 PM
Remote Name:



You know, I haven't really approached the study of Eastern religion with an intent to learn about the cause and cure of stuttering problems. My purpose was and is to live a more wholistic, balanced life. I have learned incidentally, though, some beleve that blockage of the fifth (of the seven primary chakras, or energy centers linked to the central nervous system), or throat, chakra plays a significant role in the onset and maintenance of stuttering. Clearing this chakra, or balancing it, as the process is generally called, would presumably resolve a stuttering problem. I have no personal experience with this theory or method.

I imagine that embracing the Buddhist perspective that is well and frequently expressed by the current Dalai Lama, i.e., that we are all the same at our essence --- wanting happiness and seeking freedom from suffering, would help many break free from the sense of isolation felt by concentrating so much on that which seems to make us different. Adopting and living this belief we are all the same leads to greater compassion toward others and, importantly, toward ourselves when we begin to see no one is any better or any worse than we are. Being more gentle with ourselves definitely lightens our load and allows us to relate more comfortably, enjoyably, and successfully.

Practicing hatha yoga and meditation to develop greater body awareness and self-realization and self-acceptance (I'm specifically referring to "Insight Meditation" introduced to us Westerners by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield, Sylvia Boorstein, Sharon Salzberg and others through their books, tapes and CD's) has helped me in many ways, not the least of which, to speak with ease, even when I stutter.

I am not a scholar of eastern religion so I have no more to say specifically about the consideration of stuttering problems by the spiritual leaders and teachers of these traditions. Perhaps, your journey will lead you to someone who can satisfy your curiosity and interest in this matter.


Ellen-Marie Silverman

Last changed: September 12, 2005