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From: Ellen-Marie Silverman
Date: 10/10/03
Time: 3:17:18 PM
Remote Name:
I have found the writings and tapes of Thich Nhat Hahn, Zen Buddhist monk whose "awareness" practices are quite similar to "insight meditation" practices taught by Jack Kornfield and Sharon Salzberg, co-founders of The Insight Meditation Society, and, from my way of thinking, Theravadan in orientation; Pema Chodrum, Buddhist nun, Tibetan in orientation, who teaches tonglen meditation; and the current Dalai Lama all very helpful.
Best of wishes on your journey, and, "yes," feel free to translate and publish my paper on your site. I only ask two favors: 1) Please inform me of the address of your site, and 2) Please note that the title "Mrs." does not apply to me; Ms. or Dr. do. Thank you.
Ellen-Marie Silverman