My Personal Experience with Stuttering and Meditation

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Re: Meditation questions

From: Ellen-Marie Silverman
Date: 10/13/03
Time: 9:15:17 PM
Remote Name:


Hello, Amber,

I'm not particulary interested in what caused me to begin stuttering and why I stutter still. I have my ideas, but that really isn't important to me now. What is, is that I communicate with others when I need to as well as possible. I don't fret about whether I may stutter or have stuttered. That is not an issue for me at all. I concentrate on being a skilled communicator, and I know I can manage my stuttering to do that. Stuttering is just something I do from time to time that has very little influence on how I chose to live my life. Maybe, because I'm so imperfect, stuttering now and then doesn't rock my self-concept at all.

I began the study of meditation because I was overstressed. That was a good decision!

All best wishes to you, Amber.

Ellen-Marie Silverman

Last changed: September 12, 2005