Experiential Therapy for Adults Who Stutter

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Re: Outside expertise

From: Janet
Date: 10/3/03
Time: 1:28:17 AM
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Hi Ed,

Thanks for your kind remarks. This is my second post to you, the first did not go through; I think I hit the wrong "post" botton. SO, let's try again.

What I was struck by in your comments was your emphasis on the therapist's responsibility to bring in yet another expert: this one on PTSD. I am curious what responsibilty you believe stutterers may have in learning about PTSD and how their own stuttering may be affected by dissociation (or vice versa). As you know, I'm the stutterer of our duo, and I'm always looking at how much power and choice the stutterer has (or feels they have) in their own therapy. I beleive too often clients of every ilk (not just stutterers) turn to a therpaist and say "fix me" and then sit back and wait for the fix. I look forward to your reply.

Last changed: September 12, 2005