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From: Marija
Date: 10/18/03
Time: 2:39:38 PM
Remote Name:
Dear Trudy, I liked the idea with painting very much. It's excellent! You invited some more comments, so what came to my mind is this: the person might start painting with dark colors, and you might start with bright. That could be a wake-up call for her that you don't see her at all gloomy as she sees herself and that could help her to start to value herself more, or reconsider her perspective on herself. Secondly, if she (I'm saying she but it can as well be a he) takes a lot of time to choose a colour, it also says something. If YOU are taking a long time to choose a color, it too says something.
What would be the metaphor for my stuttering... I remember I used to describe it as my lungs being a size of a nut (when I enter a stutter or a block and can't stop that squeeze inside).
My metaphor for fluent speech is that it is like breathing, except the voice is heard. That's what it should be. Another nice metaphor I had heard on a therapy was "talking is like when water flows".
Best wishes from Marija, Croatia!