Applying the Wisdom of Psychology to Stuttering

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Application of Wisdom

From: Kathy Jillson
Date: 10/16/03
Time: 3:26:14 PM
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John, As I was reading your article, it struck me that the title could be Applying 100 years of Psychology to Dealing Effectively with ____________. One could fill in the blank with anyone of a myriad of problems. In my role as a speech language consultant, I seldom am involved with students who stutter, but oftem with educators and parents of children with disabilities. Many times in our "tense" moments, I'd like to say "Let's all take a deep breath and let it out slowly...or now would be a good time for progressive relaxation techniques. I think I'll put your heading list in my PDA for difficult moments. That way I will be prepared to focus on the areas I can control! Thanks for ideas! ...Kathy

Last changed: September 12, 2005