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self esteem and personality

From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/5/03
Time: 9:17:01 PM
Remote Name:


Hi, Jennifer ---

I really enjoyed your paper. Thanks for your insights.

We have had some interesting discussions about this from time to time in our NSA support group meetings, and there is no question that self esteem is important. I believe that self esteem needs to be considered from the broad perspective, and not just the speech perceptive. For example some people can feel good about themselves **including** their stuttering, and some people can feel good about themselves **except** for their stuttering. It is like the difference between "I feel good about myself even though I stutter" and "I feel good about myself in spite of the fact that is stutter."

As clinicians we can try to help our adult clients with these issues. It is imperitive that we work with these issues in kids and teens. Issues of morale, self-concept, self confidence, self-esteem, etc, are important.

Those reading this should try to avail themselves of support groups such as FRIENDS (for children and teens) and the National Stuttering Association for kids, teens and adults. Links to Friends and the NSA are found on the Stuttering Home Page.

Thanks, Jennifer, to highlighting the importance of self-esteem. I enjoyed your paper.

Steve Hood

Last changed: September 14, 2005