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From: Taro Alexander
Date: 15 Oct 2004
Time: 10:20:56 -0500
Remote Name:
Lisa, Thank you so much for your kind response to our paper. It is true, we really do have a fun time. It is amazing to see how quickly Our Time helps everyone's self-esteem. I would also love for you to see one of our productions. I think you would really enjoy seeing the Our Time kids perform in person. Where do you live? If you would like to be added to our mailing list please email your snail-mail address to taro@ourtimetheatre.org That way you will know about all our upcoming events. In terms of fluency, it is different for each performer. Some members of the company are much more fluent while performing, others much less fluent, and for some, performing does not affect their fluency either way. What performing does for everyone is increase their confidence which increases their ability to be successful communicators. I believe it is all about how we feel not how we sound. Some of the greatest communicators are people who are very disfluent. And some of the most fluent people in the world are horrible communicators. If we all speak what is in our hearts with honesty, love, and compassion, and not worry about how we sound or how we look, this world would be a happier place. Thanks again for your support of Our Time and I look forward to seeing you at one of our shows in the future. All my best, Taro