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From: Taro Alexander
Date: 27 Oct 2004
Time: 11:08:33 -0500
Remote Name:
Corynn, Thank you so much for your response! Your words mean a lot to me. As far as I know, we are the only company like this around. I do not think there is a similar company on the west coast. That is actually something we are looking into for the future. There seems to be a great demand for something like this all around the country and the world. We are working on it. If you are interested in having an Our Time in a city near you, please let me know and I will add it to the list of possible places. I do think the confidence we gain from being in Our Time and performing carries over into everyday life. Corom once said, "If I can do a play in front of 100 people, then talking to a friend is nothing", I think we all feel that way. Being with a group of people who all respect you and trust you and admire you and love you just the way you are, is a powerful and healing experience. With the support that Our Time provides, we can handle anything! I hope you can come and see us perform in person. Please email your snail-mail address to: taro@ourtimetheatre.org This way we can keep you posted of all Our Time events. Thanks again and I hope to meet you someday soon. Taro