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Re: Great Opportunity

From: Taro Alexander
Date: 27 Oct 2004
Time: 13:58:41 -0500
Remote Name:


Lindsay, Thank you so much for your kind words and great questions. You hit it right on the nose. In terms of fluency, it is different for each person. Some of the members are more fluent on stage, some less, and for some there is no change at all. For me, when I was in high school and started to perform, I found that I was fluent while performing, but that is not the case for everyone. What is amazing is that everyone becomes much more confident through performing, which actually affects the perception of fluency. The most important thing is being able to be a good communicator. And that really has nothing to do with your fluency. Some of the most amazing communicators I know are the least fluent. And some of the most fluent people in the world are horrible communicators. As long as you speak from your heart and don't allow anything to keep you quiet, I think you are on the right track to a happy life. I hope that answers your questions. And I hope you can see us perform in the near future. Please email your snail-mail address to: taro@ourtimetheatre.org. That way we can keep you up to date on all our events. Thanks again and I hope to meet you soon. Taro

Last changed: 02/21/07