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From: susan cochrane
Date: 27 Oct 2004
Time: 18:41:45 -0500
Remote Name:
Hi Julie, Thanks for your interest. With regards to transfer and generalization; the participants were able to generalize to phone calls, outside surveys completed at nearby malls and common questions to complete strangers on the street, like; excuse me, Do you have the time? They transfered to conversation with each other, myself and their families when requested to do so. By the end of the intensive, the participants had accumulated approximately 90 hours of treatment. After that many hours in a non-intensive program like mine, I can't say if they would do the same thing or not. That is a good question. My belief is that if I were seeing the same clients in a non-intensive, they would be doing just that. With regards to one year's follow up, I predict the results will be mixed. It will depend on many variables including: what they do about their disfluency from now until that time, their belief system, their support systems, environmental events that occur over this time and many others. I guess you and I will have to wait and see.....