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From: Retz
Date: 19 Oct 2004
Time: 10:57:10 -0500
Remote Name:
Esther...Thank you for reading the article and your kind remarks. When it comes to PWS, you cannot go wrong with real "listening"....specialy when it is the base of a therapy approach. Many changes will be sought out and made by the CWS/TWS when the significant listeners (parents, professionals, teachers, coaches, friends, etc) place the focus on what is said VS how it is said. It does take greater time, effort, and educating/education on the professionals and significant listeners part to be actively involved in this type of therapy approach. Listening is half of the communication process, yet most SLP's in training will have no coursework or clinical experience's in developing this required skill. Your experience as a professional will be better because of your searching out of developing your own "listening" skills....even more important, CWS and their parents will have a "chance" because of your learning....Keep up the learning and thank you for taking part in this conference. BTW...What school are you doing your graduate studies at?