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From: Brittney Paulson, graduate student
Date: 18 Oct 2004
Time: 17:58:26 -0500
Remote Name:
I found your hand outs very helpful and interesting, thank you for posting them. When I was reading Suggested Diagnostic Methods by Dean Williams I had two questions: 1) would objects that the child can hold or play with work better or as well as pictures? I find that objects are more interesting and inviting for conversation than pictures. 2) it seems as though the child may already be under a significant amount of pressure while speaking to someone they don't know very well (the clinician), by adding more pressure to the child in the diagnostic session, I feel that this may lead to the child having difficulty opening up to the clinician and feeling comfortable in their therapy sessions later on due to the amount of pressure put on the child when speaking with the clinician in their first few conversations. Do you feel that these "pressure enducing" techniques are helpful in diagnosing stuttering or is simple conversation between a client and clinician enough to assess the severity of stuttering? Thanks for your help!