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From: Russ Hicks
Date: 11 Oct 2004
Time: 22:57:03 -0500
Remote Name:
No Ashley, Thank YOU! ... for dedicating YOUR career and YOUR life to MY cause. You can thank me by studying hard and becoming the best SLP you can possibly be - and even better. You and your fellow students can really do this. It's within your reach. Continue to ask questions, attend conferences, interact with people who stutter, teach your clients what you've learned, and continue to grow. This ISAD on-line conference is truly amazing - and thanks so much for participating in it! The NSA national conference next summer will be in Chicago. Plan NOW to attend it! Believe me, it will change your life. That's not just a random statement - it's true. See www.WeStutter.org for details or contact me for more information as plans emerge. What you are doing IS important. Good luck at WVU - and please give my regards to my friend Ken St. Louis who I believe is also there. He's a great guy! One of the giants in the stuttering community. Please stay in contact! Russ RussHicks@mail.com, Dallas, Texas, 972-881-1451 home, 972-489-6169 cell, My home page: http://www.RussHicks.com NSA home page: http://www.WeStutter.org