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From: Russ Hicks
Date: 12 Oct 2004
Time: 12:57:22 -0500
Remote Name:
Hey Kevin, Great to hear from you! We sure are our own worst enemies, aren't we? When we believe something that simply isn't true, we make bad decisions. (Hey, look at the current political situation! It doesn't just happen to kids!) As hard as it is to admit, other people simply aren't very interested in our stuttering. You may have had foot problems, but I didn't so don't bother me about that. Sorry, I'm just not interested. <sad face> It's just human nature. That's kinda what makes the NSA conventions so much fun. Everyone you talk to is keenly interested in talking about stuttering! Hooray! <smile> Funny you should mention about the 10th and 25th reunions. My brother-in-law (one of my good buddies back in school before I ever met his sister, my wife!) went to our 10th reunion and reported that it was real uppity. "I'm president of MY company, which company are YOU president of? Oh, only a VP? Too bad..." Gag! But when I went to my 25th reunion, people had gotten over themselves by that time and everyone was SO NICE! I enjoyed myself immensely! I even mentioned my stuttering up in front of the entire class (my involvement with the NSA and everything!) - but no one was really that interested. I felt kinda hurt... But we laughed and talked about everything, family, friends, rock and roll music, the basketball team, the "good old days"... and had a blast! But my stuttering just didn't make the Top Ten list. Sigh... Oh well... As you said, "Go figure." We're all just humans, I guess... See you in Chicago! Russ