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So true

From: Anita Blom
Date: 20 Oct 2004
Time: 05:32:55 -0500
Remote Name:


I was raised with the knowledge I was doing something wrong and that it was my fault. I had this little voice inside my head for all these years telling me, after every single stutter (!): WRONG! STOP IT! MISTAKE! FOOL! I heard it so many times I started to believe the people and this little voice. And yes, when I finally realized stuttering was only a small part of my life and that my accomplishments and personality outweight my stutter, I could look around and see other people aren't perfect either and I started to live! Just a few weeks ago I got a temporary job as a computer teacher! Me, the stutterer! Today they let me take care of three classes all by myself, as the other teachers finally could go to a conference. They trusted me with the job. Not because I stutter, but because they think I can do the job. They forgot about the fact that I stutter. Now it's up to me to do the same! Thanks Mike

Last changed: 09/12/05