Don't Be Ashamed

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From: Anita Blom
Date: 21 Oct 2004
Time: 04:19:01 -0500
Remote Name:


The parents issue has been a hard one for me for many years, as you already know by many of my postings to Stutt-L. Until... they read my poem (also nn this website). They called me and asked me to come to talk, as they finally understood what I've been through. I have never been able to talk about it, as the shame level was too high for them. They told me know they didn't want to take me to a therapists, as they were afraid to hear it was their fault. They told me it was my fault and that it was shameful to make me get angry at my stutter and fight harder to get rid of it. They tried to hide me from their family to keep me and them from being mocked or pitied. And I didn't talk about my feelings, the bullying at school and my suicidal thoughts, as I felt it was a non-discussable subject. So we all wore our pain, our guilt and our fear by ourselves, not being able to reach out. If we only had learned to talk about it, without guilt and shame, just as being in a wheelchair, deaf or blind. I nearly not made it. That's why my life cruisade is to talk about it. To children, teachers, the media and the people on the street. For the more we talk about it (no one else will do it for us), the more people will understand and accept it, the more we feel at ease. So thanks for sharing, not just here, but also on Stutt-L, in your book and by being who you are. Thanks, Marty.

Last changed: 09/12/05