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From: Louis Roden
Date: 12 Oct 2004
Time: 09:33:36 -0500
Remote Name:
Hi Sophie! Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I do talk about fluency in my training! In time, participants notice my stutter (we can only avoid and substitute so well, as you know!) and it always helps drive the point when you can share personal experiences! I also do inclusion training for our managers...on looking past individuals differences to focus on their ability to do the job rather than their appearance or disability! My key point is to get managers past looking and typing people by the things they "cant" do... blind people cant see...deaf people cant hear... stutters arent fluent... I key on the point that if we only assess people,any people, based on the things they "cant" do, then we couldnt place anyone in a job! We have to key on the things that people CAN do! There are a million ways to see other than with your eyes... a million ways to communicate and understand! I have truly had a great day when I draw that epiphany from even one manager! Hope that wasnt too long winded. But it is a passionate topic for me! Best of luck! If I can help..ever..let me know!