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From: Ginny B
Date: 19 Oct 2005
Time: 12:00:42 -0500
Remote Name:
I thouroughly enjoyed this presentation and thought it would be so useful not only in a clinic setting but also a preschool or lower grade elementary school for sensitizing young children to issues. As a special education teacher prior to doing a degree in Speech Pathology, I often would go into a client's daycare or classroom to train the regular ed. teachers, aides and fellow students about a particular need. This presentation could also be used just to sensitize children to the fact that there are all sorts of differences in people and this is just one of those needs. Marketing is doing this in its own way by placing ads in catalogues and magazines showing children in wheelchairs or wearing hearing aids, for example. Kids are such visual learners that they will take to this presentation readily. Thanks for sharing it!