How Finding Information About Stuttering Transformed My Life

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From: Patricia M.
Date: 20 Oct 2008
Time: 22:15:55 -0500
Remote Name:


Guy- The beginning of your story is heartbreaking to me. As a student of Speech Language Pathology (speech therapy), it makes me incredibly sad to hear that there are many places in the world where stuttering is a taboo subject. I am so glad that you were able to find information. It sounds like you have been able to break through so much of the negative feelings and beliefs that you grew up with, and I commend you for that. You decided to take something that initially shaped you in a negative way, but then transformed your knowledge into a positive power to help others. I have a few questions for you: How often do you meet with other people in your area who stutter, are there regular support groups? What kind of training is there for people who do speech therapy (Speech-Language Pathologists)? Take Care, Patricia

Last changed: 10/20/08