The SpeechEasy: Emerging Evidence for Interested Clinicans and Prospective Buyers

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From: Hae Su Kang
Date: 16 Oct 2008
Time: 15:44:44 -0500
Remote Name:


I am a grad student in SLP program. It was impressive that article did not show any biased perspective. I really enjoyed your article, but I have three questions today. 1. Are there any reported sideeffects of SpeechEasy device? 2. In your article, you mentioned that some showed high satisfaction with the device despite of no measurable improvement. Were there any "placebo effects" when the client believes that the device improves their fluency? 3. I think many studies have focused on whether SpeechEasy use has positive impact on stuttering treatment or not. However, in my personal opinion, if we collect and analyze stuttering of the clients who do not show any improvement or who have side effects(if it really exists) with the SpeechEasy, we could rule out those clients from possible SpeechEasy user lists although we do not have reliable means for determining good candidates of SpeechEasy device. It could be a huge research. I want to know what you think. I look forward to your repsonse. Thank you.

Last changed: 10/16/08