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From: sachin
Date: 14 Oct 2008
Time: 23:08:05 -0500
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Dear Nichole, thanks for your appreciation. Yet, I dont really know, how much of my thoughts I can attribute to my efforts and how much to the environment in which I grew. Definitely, the environment helped. I came from a middle class Hindu family- not overtly religious but with deep faith in a kind and loving God as Mother. Then, I was initiated by a Swami of Rama Krishna Math; Lastly, I met a realized soul, a saint; I sat at his feet, listened to his words and discovered that there is, after all, in me a larger SELF; larger than my social self.. larger than my stuttering self.. Finally the whole thing culminated into- my realizing within me, something much greater than my stutter. So, naturally, I can talk about it now, deal with it.. Now, two people may react to same adversity in different ways..Some people will attribute this to their learned behavior (socialization)..I tend to believe, that since we are rarely able to finish all our business in one birth, we tend to carry it over in to next birth as latent tendencies (samskara).. and these sometime decide how we deal with difficulties in life.. what we make out of them.. etc.. sachin