Creative Use of Items You Already Own for Fluency Therapy

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Examples and Non-literal Language

From: Jennifer Delaney
Date: 03 Oct 2010
Time: 11:39:40 -0500
Remote Name:


Thank you for the “Perfection” suggestion. I can’t stress enough how appreciative parents are to have SLPs willing to openly share specific ideas (especially in a setting like this) in which a mom or dad may actually be able to try in their home. I also agree with your assessment that SLPs sometimes tend to forget the need to focus on reading social cues, turn taking skills and understanding non-literal language. It appears that the majority of children today (even those without co-occurring diagnoses such as ADHD or ASD) are in desperate need of increasing these skills. Would you please recommend a specific activity that a younger elementary school student (maybe even a pre-reader) could practice in order to better understand non-literal language?

Last changed: 10/03/10