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From: Alan Badmington (to Lee and Pamela)
Date: 08 Oct 2010
Time: 16:04:26 -0500
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Hi Lee and Pamela, Thank you for contributing such a delightful paper. It must give you so much joy to witness the transformation that occurs as the children/young persons gain greater confidence and self-belief in a supportive non-judgemental environment. Discovering that there are others who are in a similar position must impact so positively upon their self-concept and feelings of isolation. Such group activities encourage them to imitate/inspire by challenging their fears (both individually and collectively). When we achieve something that we, hitherto, considered impossible, it causes us to reconsider our limiting beliefs. If we conquer something that has challenged our advancement, we grow in stature. When we overcome hurdles, it opens our eyes to possibilities that we could never have imagined. When we are stretched by a new experience, we likewise grow as human beings. I had hoped to attend the FRIENDS annual convention in St Louis in 2007 to recite some of the poems (about stuttering) that I have written for children. Sadly, I was unable to fulfil my plans due to personal circumstances. Hopefully, I may have an opportunity to rectify the situation on some future occasion. Kindest regards Alan