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From: Ariel Shidlo
Date: 05 Oct 2010
Time: 08:01:41 -0500
Remote Name:
Hi, I'm a client who stutters and who has benefited tremendously from therapy on Skype. I can only speak from my personal experience as someone who went through face to face therapy first. The Skype has followed that as a periodic coaching period. I find no difference between Skype and face to face in terms of my interpersonal connection with my speech therapist. Her warmth and bond with me as a person are as strong online as in the same room. Also, the work is as detailed and intense as face to face. The big advantage, I find, is that external obstacles of setting face to face meetings evaporate, and you are able to schedule and access coaching to get back on track or strengthen skills almost "in real time"--when you really need it, feel motivated to do it, and can incorporate it into your natural cycle of learning outside the clinician's office. I suppose if my speech therapist had an office next door to mine, I would pop in instead of Skype: but short of that Skype provides an indistinguishably effective intervention. It would be interesting to here from people who are unable to access face-to-face and have only done Skype from the very start of the clinician-client relationship.