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From: Barbara Dahm
Date: 07 Oct 2010
Time: 23:47:01 -0500
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The Speech Satisfaction Scales is a subjective evaluation that clients fill out before therapy and at various stages during the therapy process and after. I developed the scales based on discussions that were held at an SID 4 Leadership conference many years ago. We were trying to develop an instrument for determining progress that was not based on counts of stuttering. I picked the statements that suited my approach (i.e. I left out how well you control your speech and the like, because I think stuttering is too much control and would not want people to learn unnatural speech controls.) There are 12 statements that relate to enjoyment of speaking, effort, avoidances, effects on life and 8 that relate to the client's perception of fluency in various conditions. The clients rate on a 7-point scale how the statement applies to them. It's simple, tells me a lot and is helpful in treatment. I included it in the clinician's handbook that goes along with the workbook.