A Support Group Re-Born

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I gained a great deal from attending a support group

From: Alan Badmington
Date: 03 Oct 2010
Time: 11:40:45 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi Josh, Many congratulations to everyone involved with the effective re-birth of the NSA East Bay Chapter. I fully appreciate the value of a support group, having attended such a gathering (in the UK) for several years. In addition to the usual support, it afforded me opportunities to share my experiences, while also enabling me to consolidate my new speech techniques in a thoroughly supportive environment. There was a wonderful spirit of adventure; the camaraderie and friendly rivalry spurring everyone to fulfil the wide array of challenges that were on offer. Whilst at the groups, I took every opportunity to speak and make presentations. I became empowered and gained a tremendous degree of confidence and self-belief. It was such a wonderful feeling to be able to address an audience – something I had always considered lay outside my scope. Although my personal need to attend the self-help groups waned after a relatively short period of time, I continued to attend for several more years, principally to assist others members. I wish you and your Chapter continued success. I was bitterly disappointed that I had to decline your generous invitation to attend one of your meetings while fulfilling a speaking engagement in the San Francisco Bay Area in May 2010. As you know, I returned to the UK the day prior to the event. I hope that our paths will cross on some future occasion. Kindest regards Alan

Last changed: 10/03/10