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From: Alan Badmington (to Rosemarie)
Date: 07 Oct 2010
Time: 04:50:48 -0500
Remote Name:
Hi Rosemarie, Sackcloth and ashes! Please accept my profuse apologies for addressing you as Rachel. As a former cricketer, I am well aware of the sporting exploits of Rachel Hayhoe-Flint, so maybe my subconscious presented me with that name when I commenced typing my response. Having said that, I fully attribute my heinous blunder to senility.:-) What makes things worse is that I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance (albeit briefly) at the BSA Open Day in Cardiff in September 2008. Perhaps I can make amends by buying you a coffee when I next have occasion to visit Bristol? Incidentally, I am due to give a 60 minutes humorous tongue-in-cheek talk to a Women’s Institute group next week about the implications of growing older. No doubt you will feel that it's a subject about which I am well qualified to speak.:-) Kindest regards Alan PS It appears that the condition is contagious. I note that you signed yourself as ‘Alan Badmington’ when responding to my post. (I'm chuckling to myself as I type) :-)