Parents and Children Who Stutter: The pleasures and pains of working together

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Re: Lidcombe Program

From: Rosemarie
Date: 15 Oct 2010
Time: 16:46:30 -0500
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Hi Kristen, At first glance your question is quite easy to answer but it got me thinking and so the answer is in two parts. Yes, I have had success with the LP, the majority of children who I have used it with have either stopped stuttering altogether or their stuttering has become very mild. Those with some remaining mild stuttering have gained a more open and accepting attitude towards their speaking although I feel some concern that they may be at risk of relapse at a later stage. The few children who have not responded well to the LP really are the exception and I think in all cases there were factors that interfered with treatment and/or also things about the child that made treatment more difficult. Or put another way, there are some children who I don’t get a handle on and their difficulties with the LP reflect on my limitations as a therapist. There are always things to learn even with treatments that we are experienced with. Sometimes we work with children who seem to have a very strong predisposition to stuttering so that it is easily triggered and so inevitable any treatment is harder for them. Other times I have worked with children who find it very hard to accept any parental comments on their speaking- their stutter-free or stuttered speech. This is rarely a problem with children under 6 but as they get closer to 7 their attitudes can change. Best wishes

Last changed: 10/15/10