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From: Ana Mendes
Date: 09 Oct 2010
Time: 15:22:05 -0500
Remote Name:
You are such an inspiration Karen! I applaud you for taking a leap of faith and writing this book despite the fears you had associated with your stuttering. I am a student of speech-language pathology and something we address often in my fluency class is the lack of attention stuttering receives in the media. It is also sad that when people who stutter are depicted in films and literature, it is often an inaccurate and unfavorable portrayel. I commend you for contributing such a special piece of children's literature that portrays a character who stutters in a favorable way and without the stereotypes often associated with people who stutter. Writing this book seems to have been therapeutic for you in dealing with your own experiences with stuttering. It seems from your article and others I have read, that talking about your experiences with stuttering helps in terms of dealing with the emotions associated with it. What advice do you have for a beginning speech pathologist, such as myself, in how we can help and support people who stutter?