Purpose, intention, and stuttering

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Re: Great paper!

From: Tim Mackesey
Date: 01 Oct 2010
Time: 05:00:32 -0500
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Ari, sounds like you have been frustrated by your stuttering. Combining CBT and targets such as easy onset and pull-outs can only help. You mention trouble introducing yourself. You might want to try a visualization exercise to elicit the specific thoughts that lead to your anxiety that manifests blocking on your name: 1) close your eyes and associate into previous experience, 2) when you feel it in your body (soma) you are now 'associated' into problem state, 3) ask yourself a) what do I believe about stuttering? and b) what does it mean to me to stutter on my name? An answer to (a) may reveal 'mind reading'- what you believe listeners think about you. Answer to (b) will reveal the meaning you apply to stuttering (i.e., stuttering means I am failing). Say NO to these thoughts! My website www.stuttering-specialist.com has several articles of value to you. Isn't pain caused by the meaning we apply to stuttering? You are more than stuttering. Ari, I wish you well on a journey to victory. Sincerely

Last changed: 10/01/10