The Debilitating "D" Word

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Re: "D" Word

From: Grant Meredith
Date: 10 Oct 2010
Time: 23:13:16 -0500
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Hi Kristin, Great questions. Would the word “disability” apply to a disfluent preschooler? Hmm great question. I guess if looking at the pure WHO definition then perhaps so? Then again the child is in the early stages of development so perhaps not. It depends on how you apply it I guess. I love a question that inspires me to walk away and think deeper about my own thoughts and notions. Even your notion of attaching the label to only people that “chronically stutter and exhibit sever behaviours” makes me think. I believe that severity has not part in being disabled as at least the WHO definition makes no remarks to it. I have met some people with what I would class as very minor stutters who are more “disabled” by it in many ways in comparison to so people I have met who have very severe stutters. This opens up a whole new can of worms though.

Last changed: 10/10/10