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From: Pam
Date: 12 Oct 2010
Time: 11:28:26 -0500
Remote Name:
Heather, to fully answer your questions, I would need a book! If you are interested, please see the first paper I wrote for ISAD in 2008 called, "The Way Found Me". Essentially, the process of abandoning covert-ness and choosing to be open about stuttering was starting for ne before I even knew it. My insides were screaming that I was not being true to myself. I was trying to find a way to become more authentic, and like my paper says, the way found me. I was fired 4 years ago from a job I had held for ovef 20 years, because of stuttering. That rocked my world. I decided then I couldn't live in denial of my real self anymore. So, it was a gradual process and then became rapid. I am now involved in the NSA and friends, edit and publish a newsletter for Friends, write a blog called Make Room For The Stuttering (www.stutterrockstar.wordpress.com ) and host a podcast called "Women Who Stutter: Our Stories". See my other paper on here about that. I visit schools locallay and present about stuttering, teasing and bullying, have written articles for local paper, and have been a guest on NPR radio twice about stuttering. My life has changed, and I am not the same person I was several years ago. That covert Pam would have never thought I ould fly to London and stay with people I didn't know. This version of me realizes its so important to live life - some of the best parts of our journey happen when we take risks! ~Pam