Dealing with Chronic Sorrow and the Loss of a "Fluent Child" (a personal story)

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Re: Powerful and moving

From: Pam
Date: 04 Oct 2010
Time: 13:05:19 -0500
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Scott, I am enjoying this conversation as well. You wrote: “Guilt is defined (medically speaking) as: "feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy: morbid self-reproach often manifest in marked preoccupation with the moral correctness of one's behavior responses originating in inner guilt and uncertainty". What does that mean to me? . . . . . . I can so relate to this because I have been dealing with self-critical feelings for a long time. I am very careful to not let most of the world see my private self. My private and public selves are often very much at odds, and often it seems like I am looking down at my public persona, wondering, “Who is she? Where does she get the strength and energy?” My inner self often feels like a wimp due to the self reproach and feelings of not ever being or doing enough. I know much of this comes from being the adult child of an alcoholic – where nothing was ever good enough. Surely COA’s deal with guilt more than any other feeling, I would guess. The combination of these feelings, my stuttering journey and my steps towards acceptance is what compelled me to start blogging almost two years ago. Writing is so cathartic!

Last changed: 10/04/10