Dealing with Chronic Sorrow and the Loss of a "Fluent Child" (a personal story)

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Re: Future SLP Questions

From: Scott Palasik
Date: 06 Oct 2010
Time: 09:48:35 -0500
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Jayme, HI!! First, like Jaime said too, welcome to Speech Pathology. It sounds like you have had some great experiences with families of special ed children and I'm sure you have made a big impact on those families and the children, which I need to congratulate you on (insert a big round of applause!!!! huge!!!,)...You ask some great question which Jaime has answer extremely well (she's a great therapist and counselor). So I will pick up where she left off. You asked if counseling can at some point be offensive, great question. Jaime answered this, I just wanted to add, if we keep in mind that the families are in the drivers seat and we are just guides (not telling them what to think, however we are providing OPTIONS of thoughts for them) then the counseling piece can be very liberating. As counselors we create OPTIONS for people, not tell them "you should think this way" or "you should be more positive." Telling people what to think is not guiding, it is lecturing and families don't need that. Families require connections with therapist and a listening ear (exactly what Jaime wonderfully wrote in your response...Moving on, you asked if "Acceptance" could have been a more active role in my family to help with chronic sorrow (is that what you were asking, sorry if I am not answering it here)? Acceptance is a process of letting go of thoughts we "hold on" to for reason so fear, sadness, shame and guilt. This is how I like to see this piece, do you have a family member or friend who you love them, yet there are parts that drive you crazy? (I do!!!) You love them right, and they drive you crazy...Acceptance is being able to walk with to both and be okay with that reaction....Stuttering is no different, fight thoughts creates more anxiety and really leaves people hold on to thoughts that are filled with anger. With my family, if someone came in and just provided us with education I feel my parents would have been stuck in the lost world of chronic sorrow. Hard to say, that a past is just that, gone...Your last question, oh yes, has my mom be able to talk with other families about her thoughts... What a wonderful question to ask!!! She has been saying for the past few years how much she would like to got a National Stuttering Association Convention and I bet she would share her thoughts there (she is a pretty talkative person, a great asset to her!!). Jayme, thank you for the questions and please feel free to contact either of us with more questions or experiences you have to share...Have a great day and with compassion and kindness, Scott

Last changed: 10/06/10