Dealing with Chronic Sorrow and the Loss of a "Fluent Child" (a personal story)

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Parents and Support

From: SJU- Jackie S.
Date: 10 Oct 2010
Time: 13:44:41 -0500
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I really enjoyed reading your paper. I feel as though many people often forget about the feelings of the parents of PWS. It is extremely emotional and difficult to watch someone you love struggle with something. Do you feel as though things would have been easier growing up if you had communicated more with your parents about stuttering and the emotions associated with it? I believe that there should be more programs and groups for the parents and families of individuals who stutter. This would not only teach them about the disorder, but also help them to have a better understanding of the experiences that their child is going through and how they are able to help. I believe that providing more education and support for the families of individuals who stutter can have a great impact on increasing stuttering awareness, and can help parents of PWS to talk about stuttering with their children.

Last changed: 10/10/10