By the Numbers: Disfluency Analysis for Preschool Children who Stutter

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Re: NMU Jessie

From: Jean Sawyer
Date: 18 Oct 2010
Time: 14:23:14 -0500
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Thank you for your question, Jessie, and I am happy you found this article helpful. If you are judging stuttering, you are basically deciding if a word or syllable is stuttered, and then you count the stutterings and figure the percentage. If you count disfluencies, you have to decide what type of disfluency and how many pieces there are, if it is a repetition. Getting all the counts of the different types of disfluency is more time consuming, but it can be done more quickly if you have a program such as SALT to help with counting. Since I have had a lot of practice, if a client is not too severe, I can do a disfluency analysis by listening twice to a speech sample, and do not find it too time consuming. I advise you to practice both and see which works best for you. Jean

Last changed: 10/18/10