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From: Tim Mackesey
Date: 12 Oct 2010
Time: 17:49:52 -0500
Remote Name:
Thanks for the clarification. My F.A.S.T. Fluency program promotes self-correction during the stutter, rewards it with stickers and "smooth points," and methodically increases time-pressure and demands. This promotes stable fluency in excited situations. Like children teaching themselves to walk with no instruction I see that once they are guided to feel stutters kinesthetically that they begin to release out of the stutter: in-block correction versus a cancel. Back in 1998 I was blessed with four very severe pre-k cases all at once. They get credit for teaching me how I could help them. Necessity is the mother of invention. I have found this approach really helpful with concomitant disgnoses such as autism and Down's. Keep up the good work.