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Date: 13 Oct 2010
Time: 16:59:21 -0500
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Thanks for your good questions. I am not sure what the alternative would be to direct involvement of school age children in treatment. I would have a difficult time doing therapy without involvement of my client. Yes, the child is held accountable for monitoring severity just the same as the parent. If a child has agreed to this task and If the severity ratings are not done, the treatment is stalled. I trust the child to bring me accurate records; however, if a child does not want to be in therapy that is another issue. Often when children do not think that they want to be in therapy I might give them an option to stop after a small number of visits, probably 4-5, and would respect the decision of the child, leaving the door open for a return at a later time when treatment might be a better option. Sure, spontaneous self monitoring/self correction is one of the factors that speeds generalization. Kids who do not develop these abilities provide another problem to be solved in order to progress through treatment.