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From: NMU Catherine A. 14 October 2010
Date: 14 Oct 2010
Time: 14:36:18 -0500
Remote Name:
Ms. Shenker: I found the research regarding the Lidcombe Program to be highly informative. It is encouraging that the program could continue to be successful with a school age population. Due to the key aspect of this therapy being Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), I strongly agree with the findings. I have also read other research concerning this topic. An article that supports this type of therapy was written by Millard, Nicholas, & Cook titled, “Is parent-child interaction therapy effective in reducing stuttering?” Their findings are congruent with yours because they believed that the parental involvement and time spent with the child are critical elements in therapy. I found your article to be very interesting and I am looking forward to any future research conducted on the Lidcombe Program!