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From: Cara George
Date: 05 Oct 2010
Time: 16:39:17 -0500
Remote Name:
What an inspirational and informative video! I had no idea that some of those celebrities stuttered-Winston Churchill, Lewis Carroll, B.B. King, Nat King Cole, Marilyn Monroe, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, etc. The video did spark some questions, one in particular. I noticed that there were a few musicians listed on the slideshow and wondered if the rhythm of their music positively influenced their speech. I never noticed any stuttering in their songs. I researched the effects of melodic Intonation on individuals with Broca’s Aphasia for my capstone project and the recurring theme I discovered among my sources was that the rhythm in music can improve individuals speech and fluency. I know it may be a bit off topic but I was wondering if you have any relevant research relating these musicians to melodic intonation therapy. Thanks!