Trifold Your Way to Better Communication with Teachers and Parents

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Re: Question

From: Carrie Vitko
Date: 17 Oct 2010
Time: 07:53:26 -0500
Remote Name:


Great questions! With varied answers. One of her teachers really took the information to heart, the client felt heard, and thus loved the class and felt 'safe' participating in there. Two of her teachers didn't really take the bait at first, but after some (hopefully) supportive emails and a visit from me, things improved. One teacher didn't really buy into the client's requests or information shared by me. Part of the issue (I think) was that I was not really a known 'part' of the school - I was assigned to other sites and just came out once a week for this client. As far as changing therapy, I do think it helped the client see the importance of self-advocacy from a very young age. Take care - Carrie V.

Last changed: 10/23/10