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Date: 15 Oct 2011
Time: 10:30:34 -0500
Remote Name:
First, I would like to thank you for reading my story! I encourage all SLP's to practice evidence and theory based practices of fluency. Always address feelings and attitudes as well. It is also greatly important to involve parents and family as much as possible. The Lidcombe method is great for preschoolers and younger children. I would also say really get to know the stuttering client/ student to get them to open up and hopefully stutter more openly with you so you get an accurate picture of how they stutter and what they do when they stutter. Always remember no two PWS stutter a like so we have to do individualized treatment plans. Most of all smile, have fun and let the client get to know you--this builds trust and confidence for them to speak--as my experiences with my school SLP did this for me. I feel like she wanted to help me decrease my stuttering but was also very interested in who I was as a person. I hope this helps!!! Best wishes with your studies.